with christien joining, we decided to visit the de young museum located in beautiful golden gate park and get in some great photo opps.

the new structure, which reopened from rennovations a couple of years ago, twists and rises up from the man-made park.

aside from great architectural details, the museum had a number of installations that caught my eye, like this projection piece where you became part of the work as you got up closer to see the small images.

or this organic, reflective sculpture that morphed reality and merged it with its reflection.

and this larger than life "cube" of charred timber, remains of a southern baptist church.

i created art. "man in imaginary armchair"

and a piece entitled "laughter suspended".

museums are great for opening the eye and challenging one's self and your relationship to "what is art?" what is art? is it something you must pay to go see on exhibit? must it be immersed in some edifying or controversial plot? does it have to be created by someone famous, an artist?
or can it be something anyone can create?
