the walk began at 10:30 am and we joined the very crowded starting line.

the weather was dreary and foggy and damp. but that didn't stop thousands of people from walking the cause cheerily.

and along the way many things kept us entertained and motivated...
aids memorial quilts...

a giant purple head...

and belly dancers.

imagine a happy steel drum player playing tequilla, and about 500 people shouting, "tequilla!" at the same time...

kids romping around...

and curious beagles!!

there were a lot of bay area companies supporting the cause...

cool t-shirts...

and the sisters of perpetual indulgence awaiting your fabulous arrival at the finish line.

cecille and mary manning the cnet networks booth and lunch boxes were a welcome site after a 6 mile walk.

and christien and i felt proud for having participated in such a worthy and important cause.

this year's aids walk benefited from over 25,000 participants who raised $4.5 million. i'm glad we did something to help make a difference.
there are people out there in need. find a way to contribute. no matter how big or small.