april 26th, 2008, marked my entry into a new and exciting decade, the three-o's. most everyone i talk to say the 30s are the best time of your life: you're a fully certified grown-up; you've got a career; you know who you are; you know who your real friends are; you know what you want; you know what you don't want. while i am currently unemployed, i know that will soon change and find myself pretty content with all the above and am keeping my sights set on how great the future will turn out in all aspects of my life. turning 30 does feel like a major milestone, yet life is carrying on as i previously knew it. i just feel more official now. =)
and boy did april 26th, 2008, feel official! celebrating with me in style were many of my closest friends in san francisco, including a small handful from los angeles and one from new york. the all-white vip mezzanine at harlot in sf served as the venue. the dress theme was red and black (to those of you who dressed in red and black, you rock!). ketel one and gray goose were on the tables. and we had our very own, super hot cocktail waitress, krystal. to help recount the nite for those of you who made it, here are a few select pics from my camera before i dropped it on the dance floor, shattering the lens.
if you took photos during the nite, please send 'em my way via email!
red and black balloons in a tsx with the birthday boy. tawny is sitting in the corner, behind the bouquet.

30 baby!

and for the doubters, yes, my shirt was red and black.

no gray goose if you don't get loose...

... cause we're all vip baby.

30 candles...

and make a wish...

happy freakin' 30th!

a slice of cafe madeleine's decadence cake for everyone (devil's food chocolate cake, cream cheese icing, and chocolate-dipped strawberries).

and the nite wore on as the common folk danced on the crowded floor below...

while us vips relaxed up above.

thank you to those who made it out to celebrate my special day with me:
my wonderful christien, of course.

tawny (all the way from the nyc).

sandy and danielle.

anne, ahbi, and victor.

kevin, jimmy, simon, michael and conrad.



karstin and hugo.

garrick, edmund and vicky.

jessica and jodie (not pictured).

ting and lindsay.


jr and danna.

patricia, lynn, jen and dan.

laura and james.

chris, danielle, gabi and ameet.

paul, sarah and ken.


wayne, janelle, albert, alycia and danna (where's christina?).

katie and suzanne.

kim and doug.


casey and paul.

gina (in our requisite prom pic) and andrew.


victoria and her friend.



francesco and ali.


others who i know were there but somehow didn't get a picture of on my camera: lynn and patrick, phil and his wife, ratany, pat, devicka, betty and josh. hope i didn't forget anyone. if so, apologies. too much vodka.
a few other select shots from the evening that got crazier as the nite wore on...
i squint more as i drink more.

dancing with the ladies.

a lawrence sandwich.

and an ameet sandwich.

oh boy, another shot.

i scored 2 red ties by the end of the nite.

a big thank you to the wonderful krystal, our hostess for the evening.

and the two who took care of me after the nite ended, christien and tawny (our desi-driver).

also thanks to the fabulous jen T for hooking me up with the owner of harlot, and mucho gracias to nabiel and christy for allowing me to host this awesome 30s party there!
happy 30th!

and after a happy, happy time with you all, here is the last moment of the nite outside harlot...

and what ensewed immediately afterwards at home.

nothing like wheat thins to nurse a hangover in the morning. bleh.

i had a blast. thanks for helping me ring in the new decade in fun, unforgetable style.